Firestarter is mixed, containing interesting ingredients that don't meaningfully integrate. First, the premise is promising, looking at superheroes on a smaller scale, with a somber tone, and in a horror/fugitive genre. However, the script disappoints its potential with obvious exposition, unnatural dialogue, and cliched tropes. Plus, the pacing is awkward, decisions are contrived, and motivations are unclear. Furthermore, the falling action is lacking because characters were underdeveloped. This is all worsened by the disinterested acting of Efron and the limited range of Armstrong. Ultimately, the emotional beats are impotent, making Firestarter a monotonous flatline.
Meanwhile, Firestarter has sporadic technicals. The visuals utilize variety, composition, and focus. The editing has strong smash cut sequences. The sound highlights superpowers with abstract stings, echoes, and cracks. Plus, the John Carpenter soundtrack is successfully moody (and the only emotional force in the film). Conversely, the production design is sparse, the effects are inconsistent, the cast is unremarkable, and the direction delivers a fragmented project with a dull tone. Action lacks excitement, drama lacks vulnerability, and the experience lacks momentum. Firestarter isn't terrible, but it isn't effective. Overall, it's forgettable.
Writing: 3/10
Direction: 4/10
Cinematography: 6/10
Acting: 5/10
Editing: 7/10
Sound: 7/10
Score/Soundtrack: 7/10
Production Design: 4/10
Casting: 5/10
Effects: 6/10
Overall Score: 5.4/10