Five Nights at Freddy's is boring nothingness. The narrative is stretched extremely thin, belaboring a single protagonist flaw for the entire runtime. There's deficient motivation, subtext, growth, character development, and plot. It has pointless side threads, missing setup/payoff, contrivances, a clumsy climax, inconsequential twists, predictability, and unearned resolution. Without all the repetitive filler, this could be condensed into a mediocre 15-minute short. The acting tries (attempting to establish the drama), but quickly runs out of steam and becomes monotonous. Ultimately, this script is weak on emotions, ideas, and structure, barely even registering as a story.
Technically, Five Nights at Freddy's is unenthusiastic and stale. Its dull direction fumbles tone, tension, and set-pieces. The cinematography counters decent angles and focus with dim lighting and drab colors. Its production design has recognizable robots but is otherwise bland. The music surrounds an interesting theme and needle drop with generic scoring. Its effects are slim, only offering moderate screen time for animatronics. The cast is highly replaceable. Its editing provides a dragging pace with no momentum. The sound uses split cuts, offscreens, muffling, risers, emphasis, stings, and electronics. At best, Five Nights at Freddy's is forgettable and derivative.
Writing: 3/10
Direction: 3/10
Cinematography: 5/10
Acting: 5/10
Editing: 3/10
Sound: 7/10
Score/Soundtrack: 5/10
Production Design: 5/10
Casting: 4/10
Effects: 6/10
Overall Score: 4.6/10