League of Super-Pets is complete commercialism, combining extremely popular and oversaturated genres, yet making no effort to differentiate itself. It follows generic superhero beats and makes expected talking animal jokes. Really, the only surprise or drama comes from Kevin Hart's backstory, which is sad but hardly complex. Characters don't earn their forced arcs, dialogue is obvious, humor is mindless, and the entire plot is predictable. There's simply no attempt at vulnerability or creativity, leaving the film void of heart and mind. Also, the voice acting just isn't enthusiastic (outside of McKinnon). Ultimately, League of Super-Pets is only concerned with marketability.
Technically, Super-Pets is apathetic. There are interesting moments with match cuts, dolly zooms, and complex sound, but those are rare. Generally, the filmmaking is minimal. The editing has an adequate runtime but offers no other noticeable strengths. The cinematography uses some movement but is largely basic. Plus, the sound gets distractingly goofy. Meanwhile, the soundtrack overuses pop hits, the CGI lacks detail, and the production design is hollow. Overall, Super-Pets is a cheap and limited experience. Clearly, it hopes to ride the popularity of other products because it provides nothing valuable of its own. Families are probably better off skipping this.
Writing: 3/10
Direction: 2/10
Cinematography: 6/10
Acting: 4/10
Editing: 5/10
Sound: 6/10
Score/Soundtrack: 4/10
Production Design: 4/10
Casting: 7/10
Effects: 4/10
Overall Score: 4.5/10