Plane is plain. Its tempo is decent, only exhausting by the end and boring through predictability. However, the story is a collection of hollow tropes, there are no themes or arcs, resolution is minimal, characters are superfluous, dialogue is obvious, acting is underwhelming, villains are weak, choices are illogical, and combat gets repetitive. It’s not as corny as expected, but instead, it’s empty. There are the most basic motivations but their transparency makes them ineffective. Ultimately, it’s all an excuse for indifferent action sequences that become numb without personalized investment. It’s not necessarily worth getting outright mad at, but it’s slim mediocrity.
Technically, Plane is similarly bare. Its production design provides adequate settings. The mostly digital effects support the action. Its sound design utilizes airline ambiance, chaotic crashing, shootouts, split cuts, injuries, and symbolic ringing. Still, Plane is otherwise subpar. The cast is thin (a stuntman is the villain) and the music is generic. Its editing paces suspense, but the overcut action and rushed drama are disengaging. Lastly, its visuals use some movement, focus, and extended shots, but add unestablished spacing, excessive shakiness, dark lighting, and drab colors. Overall, Plane blends sanitized violence, tired cliches, and limited craft into a cheap rehash.
Writing: 2/10
Direction: 3/10
Cinematography: 3/10
Acting: 4/10
Editing: 4/10
Sound: 6/10
Score/Soundtrack: 4/10
Production Design: 5/10
Casting: 4/10
Effects: 5/10
Overall Score: 4.0/10