Avengers: Infinity War is impressive, delivering everything that could be reasonably desired from a Marvel movie. It showcases thirty superheroes, provides a purposeful villain, and has genuine surprises. Infinity War could've easily been a mess, but it's held together by the significance of Thanos. Plus, protagonists are cleverly separated into digestible groups, giving everyone space to synergize and contribute. MacGuffins are central, consequences are temporary, and logic is inconsistent, but the film is so grand and character-driven that these shortcomings are forgivable. Ultimately, Infinity War connects because it puts character motivations first.
Technically, Infinity War serves its drama. The filmmaking is safe, but subtle touches are optimally placed. Specifically, the acting shows real pain, the music is silent during low points, the sound gets symbolically muted, and the production design has undeniable magnitude. The effects are CGI heavy, but their range and detail are weighty. Plus, the editing balances all the moving parts, skillfully timing subplots and pacing the extensive runtime. The cinematography remains fairly straightforward (and occasionally unsightly), but some techniques are exhibited. Overall, because it unifies immense vastness through emotional focus, Infinity War is a triumph of scope.
Writing: 7/10
Direction: 7/10
Cinematography: 6/10
Acting: 8/10
Editing: 7/10
Sound: 9/10
Score/Soundtrack: 9/10
Production Design: 9/10
Casting: 10/10
Effects: 8/10
Overall Score: 8.0/10