Bob Marley: One Love is a cold puff piece. The protagonist is flat, infallible, and static, reduced to an idealized concept. There are no consistent conflicts, arcs, themes, or even story. It introduces ideas of colorism, unity, and abandonment, but doesn't unpack them. Instead, everything is a superficial platitude. Because the drama is shallow, the script prioritizes a meandering plot of vague tropes. There's no personal stakes, cohesion, or vulnerability. The acting contributes mannerisms, charisma, and intensity, but that's all muted by the timid and disjointed material. Altogether, Bob Marley: One Love lacks purpose, leaning on formulaic and sanitized hero worship.
Technically, Bob Marley: One Love is safe. Its direction has glimpses of surrealism yet is otherwise generic. The imagery offers focus and lighting, but the framing is indifferent. Its sound employs emphasis, muffling, violence, split cuts, and echoes, along with awkward dubbing. The music provides expected needle drops with adequate motivation. Its editing adds inserts, cross cuts, no momentum, aimless structure, and dull pacing. The production design creates general senses of time and place. Its cast possesses representation, underutilized talent, and thin star power. The effects supply appropriate CGI for set pieces. Ultimately, Bob Marley: One Love is feebly competent.
Writing: 4/10
Direction: 6/10
Cinematography: 7/10
Acting: 8/10
Editing: 4/10
Sound: 7/10
Score/Soundtrack: 8/10
Production Design: 7/10
Casting: 7/10
Effects: 6/10
Overall Score: 6.4/10