Deep Water is an intriguing thriller. Following a strained couple down a twisted path, this plot is far from formulaic. Ana de Armas openly cheats on her husband (Ben Affleck), but he oddly accepts it. However, Affleck takes increased action with each affair. Curiously, this brewing conflict ignites their passion, replacing boredom with obsession. Often, Deep Water is uncomfortable because it presents a dysfunctional relationship that strangely suits both parties. Furthermore, the film addresses the evolution of relationships, developing complacency, and the urge to maintain appearances. Plus, both Affleck and Armas are riveting, fueling the narrative with delicate layers.
Meanwhile, Deep Water's technicals are good but not great. The editing utilizes inserts and a strong bookend to convey messages, yet is otherwise unremarkable. The sound employs meaningful L-cuts, the music is ominous and modern, and the cinematography builds intimate tension. However, similar to the editing, these techniques aren't consistently impactful, making them proficient but short of outstanding. That also goes for the posh production design, which serves the themes surrounding appearances yet feels fairly generic. Overall, Deep Water is a solid production with a provocative story, making it a fascinating watch but not a guaranteed connection.
Writing: 8/10
Direction: 8/10
Cinematography: 7/10
Acting: 8/10
Editing: 7/10
Sound: 7/10
Score/Soundtrack: 7/10
Production Design: 6/10
Casting: 8/10
Effects: 6/10
Overall Score: 7.2/10