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Writer's pictureGus Keller

Everything Everywhere All at Once

Everything Everywhere All at Once is stunning. It's a quirky spectacle, but remains deeply vulnerable. The narrative follows Evelyn, whose business and personal relationships are failing. Plus, Evelyn is unexpectedly tasked with saving the entire multiverse as her personal life bursts. This story might sound familiar, but it develops into an unparalleled blend of comedy, action, adventure, and drama. Each role is compelling, the conflict is relatable, the arcs are earned, and the plot devices are utilized to their fullest. Furthermore, the entire cast displays a wide range of skills: switching characters, blending tones, and striking beats in a symphony of emotions.

Meanwhile, Everything Everywhere All at Once is masterfully crafted. Motion, lighting, colors, framing, and focus make every shot engaging and meaningful. The sound symbolically conveys psychology through silence, volume, and echoes. The multifaceted effects contribute to the ambitious atmosphere. Similarly, the production design is boundless, yet united by a lighthearted vision. Lastly, the editing is a powerhouse, jumping between several timelines, yet synergizing perfectly. Overall, Everything Everywhere All at Once is marvelous because it fuses so much into a cohesive experience. In other hands, it would be a mess, but Everything Everywhere All at Once works beautifully.

Writing: 9/10

Direction: 10/10

Cinematography: 10/10

Acting: 9/10

Editing: 10/10

Sound: 10/10

Score/Soundtrack: 8/10

Production Design: 10/10

Casting: 7/10

Effects: 10/10

Overall Score: 9.3/10

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