Friday the 13th is extremely thin. There's essentially no plot or character development, just exposition dumps before a series of monotonous kills. It has forgettable protagonists, no setup/payoff, corny dialogue, annoying humor, and many stalling scenes. Entire sequences go nowhere and almost everything feels arbitrary. When the third act finally gets going, its reveal is interesting but underwhelming because nothing led up to it. Meanwhile, the acting is mostly forced or bland, with only the final villain providing any personality (but that's too little too late). Consequently, Friday the 13th is a simplistic outline of formulas that it neither originated nor perfected.
Friday the 13th is clumsy and aimless, full of unmotivated choices. The terribly dull editing has no momentum, pointless filler, repetitive structure, and flat pacing. Its unimpactful sound offers okay ambiance, stings, and action. The music uses iconic whisper motifs, tonal inconsistency, and blatant rip-offs. Its production design merely adds the campground setting. The cast is flimsy besides Bacon and Palmer. Its cinematography provides POVs but is basic beyond that. Only the effects are good, maximizing prosthetics, blood, and makeup for intense violence. Ultimately, Friday the 13th sparked a franchise and molded a subgenre, but it's a surprisingly unskillful movie.
Writing: 2/10
Direction: 3/10
Cinematography: 5/10
Acting: 4/10
Editing: 2/10
Sound: 5/10
Score/Soundtrack: 6/10
Production Design: 5/10
Casting: 6/10
Effects: 8/10
Overall Score: 4.6/10