Jennifer's Body is elevated entertainment. It covers themes of adolescence, friendship, sexuality, power, trauma, agency, purity, solidarity, lust, dehumanization, exploitation, insecurity, and vanity. Through absurd genre elements, these serious topics are simultaneously understated and amplified. There's quotable dialogue, trope deconstructions, setup/payoff, satire, loss, motivated exposition, representation, complex characters, dynamic relationships, and layers. The acting offers range, chemistry, vulnerability, enthusiasm, comedy, charisma, and intensity. Altogether, Jennifer's Body delivers horror, humor, drama, and valuable observations, making for a wholly fulfilling story.
Jennifer's Body blends surrealism, camp, gonzo energy, tension, intimacy, and sarcasm. The imagery brings motion, framing, POVs, focus, angles, lighting, and lenses. Its editing adds inserts, intercuts, jump cuts, frame rates, montages, and cross cuts. The sound uses voiceovers, muffling, emphasis, stings, horror, risers, and echoes. Its music has needle drops, diegetics, mood, plot relevance, and Y2K style. The production design offers color, contrast, personality, symbolism, genre, and growth. Its cast provides fame, depth, cameos, and perfect fit. The effects utilize makeup, stunts, blood, fire, CGI, gore, and wire. Overall, Jennifer's Body contains developed craft and versatile wit.
Writing: 9/10
Direction: 8/10
Cinematography: 8/10
Acting: 8/10
Editing: 7/10
Sound: 8/10
Score/Soundtrack: 8/10
Production Design: 8/10
Casting: 9/10
Effects: 8/10
Overall Score: 8.1/10