La La Land is a technical force. Although the script has flaws, the film creates an atmosphere that's simultaneously nostalgic and fresh. The story follows two struggling artists that connect over their creative passions. They go through trials, often balancing their dreams and their partnership. Despite these obstacles, they maintain a mutual admiration. These plotlines of romantic conflict and struggling artists aren't particularly unique, but the ending culminates in a way that strengthens the narrative. Meanwhile, Gosling's emotional notes are somewhat dry, but he offsets that with singing, dancing, and piano skills. Plus, Stone provides vibrant vulnerability and singing chops.
Still, it's the filmmaking of La La Land that makes the experience special. The cinematography is excellent, using lengthy shot durations, dramatic lighting, intentional colors, and exciting movement to unite realism with surrealism. The abstract sound emotionally blends scenes, retro editing techniques add stylish flare, and the production design fuses past and present. Furthermore, the soundtrack is an instant classic and each song is paired with ambitious choreography. All together, Chazelle had a precise vision that comes across spectacularly. Overall, La La Land is detailed in every technical aspect, overcoming its deficits and dazzling as a true extravaganza.
Writing: 8/10
Direction: 10/10
Cinematography: 10/10
Acting: 9/10
Editing: 9/10
Sound: 9/10
Score/Soundtrack: 10/10
Production Design: 9/10
Casting: 10/10
Effects: 8/10
Overall Score: 9.2/10