Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie is a feature-length commercial. The script barely musters a story: a generic villain wants world domination, the Rangers quest for new powers, and then there’s a basic showdown. No character is developed or personally motivated, the MacGuffin is conveniently vague, and the finale is arbitrary. Plus, the dialogue is cringy, plot points are nonsense, and there's no cleverness (payoff, themes, and emotions are nonexistent). Really, Power Rangers is a transparent excuse for mediocre fights. Some of the martial arts are okay, but the combat lacks suspense, distinction, or creativity. Overall, Power Rangers is lifeless.
Technically, Power Rangers is equally vacant. Its tone is bland, the acting is uncomfortable, and the cast is too old. The imagery has little energy or intention, the sound is often silly, and the music is occasionally distracting. Effects are varied (CGI, miniatures, and prosthetics), but none are convincing. The editing utilizes pacing and wipes, but muddles fights and is wholly boring. Basically, the biggest strength here is the recognizable property. Power Rangers is a fairly imaginative concept, and the film depicts that decently. Unfortunately, that's the only effort. Ultimately, Power Rangers is tedious, even when boosted by nostalgia.
Writing: 1/10
Direction: 2/10
Cinematography: 3/10
Acting: 2/10
Editing: 4/10
Sound: 3/10
Score/Soundtrack: 4/10
Production Design: 5/10
Casting: 2/10
Effects: 4/10
Overall Score: 3.0/10