Small Things Like These examines how institutionalized injustices harness coerced silence to thrive. Told through a bystander protagonist, it can feel vaguely detached from the actual atrocities. However, its intentions are to highlight the consequences of systemically passive witnesses. Implying rather than showing, the script limits its scale, dialogue, and even its plot. This is perfectly reflected in Murphy's performance, which is incredibly internal and subtle. Despite his stoic face and reserved mannerisms, viewers can perceive intense sadness. Consequently, Small Things Like These may be challengingly understated, but that introspective approach is fittingly rewarding.
Small Things Like These underscores intimacy through minimalism. Personal and confined, its imagery uses sickly lighting, shallow focus, desaturation, and tight framing. The cast is centered around Murphy's trending fame. Supporting the somber tone, split cuts, delicate distortions, quiet, and moody ambiance define the sound. Suitably, its effects are basically nonexistent. The atmospheric music is highly restrained. Its production design establishes a small-town, blue-collar lifestyle in a frigid 1980s winter. Although arguably sluggish, the editing's flashbacks and patient pacing prioritize tragic emotions. Overall, Small Things Like These is a mature look at grim realities.
Writing: 8/10
Direction: 8/10
Cinematography: 8/10
Acting: 9/10
Editing: 7/10
Sound: 8/10
Score/Soundtrack: 8/10
Production Design: 8/10
Casting: 7/10
Effects: 6/10
Overall Score: 7.7/10