Strange Darling subverts expectations for evocative surprises. It starts with a bang before jumping around its timeline, meta in its manipulation. Even when slowing down to develop drama, it's drenched with tension. Characters have complex personalities, relationships, and moralities. The dialogue is natural yet suggestive. In turn, the script elicits offbeat themes of intimacy, violence, control, assumptions, and power dynamics. There's setup/payoff, twists, dark humor, and interpretability. The powerhouse acting exhibits profound range, suddenly flowing between explosive intensity and raw vulnerability on a dime. Consequently, Strange Darling is a unique mixture of emotions.
Technically, Strange Darling is fittingly bold. Its direction expertly toys with viewers. The imagery uses vintage color, framing, angles, lighting, and composition. Its cast has almost no fame, but these roles have sizable breakout potential. Harsh smash cuts, stings, action, and subjective distortions make a graphic soundscape. Its music reinforces suspense with discordant motifs and juxtaposing needle drops. The effects produce tangible gore. Symbolic colors and anachronistic decors establish a strangely aesthetic production design. Its editing creates intense momentum through nonlinear chapters and varied pacing. Ultimately, Strange Darling is a memorable rollercoaster.
Writing: 9/10
Direction: 9/10
Cinematography: 9/10
Acting: 10/10
Editing: 10/10
Sound: 8/10
Score/Soundtrack: 8/10
Production Design: 8/10
Casting: 6/10
Effects: 7/10
Overall Score: 8.4/10