The Bubble is low-effort. Apatow is known for structureless comedy, but this is downright lazy. Set during the pandemic, the story aimlessly follows a fictional movie production, loosely building around the conflicts among its mistreated cast. Characters don't arc because they are flat tropes. There isn't a clear protagonist because everyone is unlikable and dispensable. Also, the script doesn't say anything. Ideas surrounding the pandemic, elitism, and workplace toxicity are introduced, but never examined. In fact, the flippant writing actually trivializes those topics. The actors do alright with the empty material, but The Bubble produces more groans than laughs.
Technically, The Bubble is more professional but still lifeless. The sound and music aren't detriments, yet they're never impactful. The cinematography is basic and uninspired. The effects are occasionally tacky (particularly the deep fake faces). The arbitrary editing relies heavily on filler montages (including one during the anticlimactic ending). Plus, the limited production design is cheap. Overall, the direction deserves blame because The Bubble is even less than its meager parts. The cast is interesting and the technicals are tolerable, but the product is a sloppy mess. Without substance, structure, or real humor, The Bubble is a complete misfire.
Writing: 1/10
Direction: 1/10
Cinematography: 4/10
Acting: 5/10
Editing: 4/10
Sound: 5/10
Score/Soundtrack: 5/10
Production Design: 3/10
Casting: 6/10
Effects: 4/10
Overall Score: 3.8/10