The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug has no beginning or end. An Unexpected Journey had contrived character arcs, but this film makes no attempt. The protagonists reach their destination, but the resolution is cut into an awkward cliffhanger. Meanwhile, there's little relatability. The narrative is more focused, but it doesn't develop characters. Instead, they are tools to move the plot. Unfortunately, the dramatic emphasis is on a forced romance. The scene between Bilbo and Smaug is character driven, but even that is jumbled by overindulgence and splintering threads. Therefore, despite being more concise, The Desolation of Smaug is incomplete.
Technically, The Desolation of Smaug is similar to its predecessor. It has muddled tones, intentional visuals, mannered yet exotic acting, complex and symbolic sound, elaborate production design, and a superb cast. However, there are key differences. The editing is still bloated but has better momentum, techniques, and pacing. Conversely, the music is less impactful and the end credits song doesn't fit. Finally, CGI is more overused and less consistent, giving the film a glossy hollowness. Even Smaug (who looks mostly great) has iffy moments. Overall, The Desolation of Smaug is another rushed step of squandered potential, pairing quality with glaring mistakes.
Writing: 4/10
Direction: 6/10
Cinematography: 8/10
Acting: 8/10
Editing: 7/10
Sound: 9/10
Score/Soundtrack: 7/10
Production Design: 9/10
Casting: 8/10
Effects: 7/10
Overall Score: 7.3/10