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Writer's pictureGus Keller


Transformers is a loud mess. It sparked a lucrative franchise, but the film is shallow and cluttered. First, the script is nonsense. Clearly, the writers had predetermined goals and forced a narrative around them. The vague MacGuffin, unreliable plot points, and muddled storylines only serve mindless action and cheap emotional manipulations. Besides the battles, there isn't anything here. Shia LaBeouf's charisma elevates his character, but even then, it's difficult for viewers to care. Ultimately, Transformers is a means to an end. Its sole purpose is to provide robots crashing into buildings, and that's about as empty as movies get.

Meanwhile, Transformers is technically inconsistent. The significant (and occasionally practical) effects are a positive. The sound gets symbolic and the cinematography gets dramatic, but both are also chaotic and disorienting. Furthermore, during the finale, timing and spacing dissolve because the editing is incoherent. It's hard to know what's going on, where characters are, and how to feel. Plus, the soundtrack is forced, the production design is flooded with product placements, and the tone is erratic. Together, these aspects are distracting rather than immersive. Overall, some may like Transformers for its pointless excitement, but many will find it annoying.

Writing: 2/10

Direction: 5/10

Cinematography: 6/10

Acting: 6/10

Editing: 4/10

Sound: 6/10

Score/Soundtrack: 4/10

Production Design: 4/10

Casting: 7/10

Effects: 8/10

Overall Score: 5.2/10

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