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Writer's pictureGus Keller


Zodiac is meticulously researched and embodies its theme of obsession. Fincher is known for detail, but Zodiac's recreations are uniquely thorough. The movie doesn't function like a typical mystery thriller because it reaches beyond formulaic excitement, to the truth. Viewers won't receive conventional closure, but, instead, will witness procedural realities and weighty fixations collapsing on our protagonists. Gyllenhaal, Ruffalo, and Downey all bring complexities as their roles twist and turn. Zodiac isn't primarily a character study, but displays how people can evolve with a case. This gives the film an emotional bond as well as its mysterious intrigue.

Meanwhile, Zodiac is Fincher's most technical film. The subtle effects assist the methodical environment without announcing themselves. The production implements exact details of the story. The music is a perfect balance of era appropriate mood elevation and intimate silence. Furthermore, the sound is wholly visceral, personal, and gut-wrenching. The editing masterfully weaves multiple plot threads and establishes the exhaustive nature of the case. Finally, the cinematography is beautifully mechanical and hauntingly cold, using fixed motion, crisp lighting, objective framing, and muted colors. In conclusion, Zodiac is a gripping experience that will possess viewers long after it's over.

Writing: 9/10

Direction: 10/10

Cinematography: 10/10

Acting: 9/10

Editing: 10/10

Sound: 10/10

Score/Soundtrack: 10/10

Production Design: 9/10

Casting: 9/10

Effects: 8/10

Overall Score: 9.4/10

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