Jaws is the quintessential creature feature. Centered around a classic hero's journey, its protagonist arc is directly interwoven with...
Reviews of Movie Films
Jaws is the quintessential creature feature. Centered around a classic hero's journey, its protagonist arc is directly interwoven with...
The Birds is fundamental. Its high concept works as a metaphor for rich drama and themes. Characters and settings are layered with...
The Invisible Man repurposes its high concept as a metaphor for social commentary, exploring themes of PTSD, gaslighting, isolation,...
Placing schemes for power in a religious setting, Conclave  is a model political thriller. This contrasts themes of ambition and faith,...
Venom: The Last Dance is an aimless jumble of plot fragments, loosely tied together by a vague threat that never fully materializes....
Woman of the Hour has powerful themes but clunky storytelling. It uses its true-crime premise as a jumping-off point for broader...
We Live in Time is heartfelt. Some might consider it saccharine or obvious, but that's debatable. The protagonists have established...
Using its premise as a metaphor for emotional distress, Smile 2 broadens its retread plot. Themes of unprocessed trauma, substance...
More a sanitized summary than a story, Piece by Piece is a puff piece. There's no drama, conflict, insight into Pharrell's creative...
The Apprentice is driven by a friendship that facilitates its protagonist's arc. It addresses themes of classism, bigotry, power, and...
Maximizing its high concept, It's What's Inside is a clever marriage of genre elements and social commentary. Centered around a party...
Terrifier 3 is more of an exhibition than a narrative. Its plot breaks up formulaic set pieces with aimless filler. The drama is blunt...
Saturday Night is plot forward, driven by a continuous flow of overlapping external conflicts. While that's a catchy premise, it's also...
Salem's Lot is condensed to bare, derivative formulas. It has no time for themes, drama, or even a realized narrative. It's shocking how...
A Different Man is an offbeat fable. Not only highlighting an underrepresented community, it continually subverts expectations. Its...
The Outrun is intimate. Its thin plot is offset by robust drama, emphasizing an internal journey with alcoholism. There are glimpses of...
Mask of the Phantasm  prioritizes drama. Its noir plot accentuates a tragic romance at the story's core. Through this relationship, Bruce...
Dissecting public perception, identity, and violence, Joker: Folie à Deux i s surprisingly meta. This is supported by the protagonist's...
Joker is a polarizing descent into madness. Its plot uses redundant tropes but the drama is impactful. Despite muddled motivations, its...
Wolfs isn't bad. The narrative starts cliche before becoming contrived and convoluted. Its redundant protagonists have no backstories to...